I want to start some Business

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I want to do something, start some business, can you tell me what to do?
This question I read and hear often enough. As a status on Facebook in many of the groups every few days this question is there. The standard answer most people give is they themselves are doing some business and hence tell the person how good their own business is and how much money they can make from it.

So, is this how one start some business? I don’t think so! There are certain parameters an aspiring entrepreneur needs to follow.

1. What exactly are you passionate about? Introspect and arrive at the decision.
2. When you are passionate about a particular field and do business in it, it will not feel like work at all.
3. When you have arrived at the decision, do research, talk to people who are in the same or similar industry, so that you get an overall idea about that industry.
4. Then talk to friends, family, colleagues and other people to find a gap. This gap can be the niche you can operate in.
5. A niche segment will draw customers for that product only. This will help to focus all your energy and resources into giving the product and customers the best. Test the product among friends and family and find out if they would be willing to pay hard cash for it.
6. Put together numbers and check if you can do it from own resources or you would need to borrow.
7. Will it need your full time commitment or can you do it part time and carry on working so that a salary comes in to run your house.
8. If you plan to quit your job, keep funds to run the house for a year and some emergency before resigning.
9. Are you willing to devote literally 24/7 time to your business with rarely time for long/short vacations and hardly any time for socializing? Getting success in business is sheer hard work and toil. There are more downs than ups.

The life of an entrepreneur is very tough, but it really is fun, you will find strengths in you which you never believed you had.

So go ahead and arrive at your answers. I wish you all the very best and if you have any query please do write to me. I would love to read about your own experiences, do write in and share with us.

Image Courtsey Pixaby

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