I want to start some Business

10:18 Unknown 0 Comments

I want to do something, start some business, can you tell me what to do?
This question I read and hear often enough. As a status on Facebook in many of the groups every few days this question is there. The standard answer most people give is they themselves are doing some business and hence tell the person how good their own business is and how much money they can make from it.

So, is this how one start some business? I don’t think so! There are certain parameters an aspiring entrepreneur needs to follow.

1. What exactly are you passionate about? Introspect and arrive at the decision.
2. When you are passionate about a particular field and do business in it, it will not feel like work at all.
3. When you have arrived at the decision, do research, talk to people who are in the same or similar industry, so that you get an overall idea about that industry.
4. Then talk to friends, family, colleagues and other people to find a gap. This gap can be the niche you can operate in.
5. A niche segment will draw customers for that product only. This will help to focus all your energy and resources into giving the product and customers the best. Test the product among friends and family and find out if they would be willing to pay hard cash for it.
6. Put together numbers and check if you can do it from own resources or you would need to borrow.
7. Will it need your full time commitment or can you do it part time and carry on working so that a salary comes in to run your house.
8. If you plan to quit your job, keep funds to run the house for a year and some emergency before resigning.
9. Are you willing to devote literally 24/7 time to your business with rarely time for long/short vacations and hardly any time for socializing? Getting success in business is sheer hard work and toil. There are more downs than ups.

The life of an entrepreneur is very tough, but it really is fun, you will find strengths in you which you never believed you had.

So go ahead and arrive at your answers. I wish you all the very best and if you have any query please do write to me. I would love to read about your own experiences, do write in and share with us.

Image Courtsey Pixaby


What now? You are over 50!

10:11 Unknown 0 Comments

A while back I crossed 50 and this was the 1st question I was asked by all who met me. Surprisingly for me, the general consensus
was that now that I was on the other side of 50, I have to you know sort of go slow, be more relaxed, let things go and get ready for retirement in the next few years.

My mind just went in a tizzy, go slow, more relaxed, let go and retirement? Are they mad, lunatic, out of their mind or what? When you are crossing 50, does your world come to an end? These and many more questions started arising in my mind. I looked back at what my mom did post 50, or the many other ladies around me. Realization dawned that this was exactly what they did!

So is that what I or any women over 50 should do? No, life is very beautiful, so just go and do what you have always wanted to do. The children are grown up and leading their own lives, the husband has his daily routine activities and the maids mostly are there to take care of the house. Now, just grab this opportunity, take care of your own health (for a change), go out for a holiday, learn a new art, go do some social service, take up a job, start a career-yes you read right, start a career, who says you cannot. Follow your passion, enjoy the balance years of your life to the fullest.
All your life, you have lived your life dictated by others, by the rules of society, parents-when you were a child, husband after marriage and then your children. Does it ever stop? Never! Not until you decide to do something about it and that time starts now. In our today’s day and age we have many options to live life to the fullest. So go ahead and exercise the option, then and only then will at a later time in life, when life is on its last leg, will you be able to say with a smile, ‘I am happy that I lived my life to the fullest! :-)